Confessions of a Commitment-phobe

Confessions of a Commitment-phobe

I’m not very good with commitment. 

I like to keep my options open, explore, start, stop, come and go as I please. But I know that’s not the best way to do things when you want to build something beyond a random idea.

I have been contemplating starting Patreon for years now, but it has always scared the living daylights out of me. What if I drop the ball? What if life gets in the way? What if I don’t have anything to share? I have been afraid to commit to a space where I must create and publish something on a very regular basis.

But I’ve started to think that the slight pressure to create and share my creations is not a bad thing. In fact, it feels like a wonderful thing. The accountability that my Patrons would provide is probably exactly what I need. I've been wanting to re-think my creative process and move away from perfecting something alone in the studio to sharing the journey in real time.

In addition to music my work is also the themes, visuals, images, videos, these introspective reflections. All of it. It’s about exploration and constant evolution. All my albums are quite different because I’m always exploring and evolving.

I know I’m banging on about AI a lot right now, but I don’t think we can even begin to imagine its capabilities and its impact on everything. As an artist I want to be a pioneer. Instead of taking a protective, skeptical approach, I’ve decided to embrace it. 

AI moves fast. Like, crazy fast. That's why I feel it’s important to create and release in real time as these new tools keep evolving. I want to learn their capabilities, and stay in the pulse of the AI (r)evolution. 

So, I’m taking the plunge and committing to Patreon and to creating and releasing on a very regular basis.

So, here’s the plan

I'm starting with three tiers: Free, Official Patreon and Freyverse. 

Free Tier
You can join the free tier on Patreon and you will receive all free tier posts. No strings attached. I will be sharing a minimum of one monthly free update on whatever I'm working on, pondering, enjoying, exploring. 

Official Patron

The Official Patron tier will be pretty much the same as the free tier. I know that some people would be really happy to support me with a small contribution just because. 

The Official Patron tier is just $2/month, which amounts to about the price of one CD per year. Think of it as buying a virtual CD from me in exchange for all the music and art that I create and release for you to enjoy for free on social media, YouTube and streaming services. You will also receive one-time 15% discount code to my shop.

The Freyverse tier is my inner circle. I will share work-in-progress and the more personal stuff with this tier. You’ll get early access to snippets and complete tracks. I will also have some tracks and artwork that I might only release on Patreon and for this tier. 

If you join this tier, you will get a minimum of one exclusive Freyverse-tier monthly post as well as the Free/Official tier posts. Freyverse is $8/month.

Note that all prices are in USD, but Patreon will convert these to your preferred currency. Patreon will also always add VAT on top.

I have some ideas for other tiers too, but I’ll start with these for now and see how it goes. I am still a bit nervous but I’m also excited to start creating, sharing and experimenting. This is going to be fun!

So, come and check out my Patreon page and join if you feel like you’d like to be a part of it. I’ve already posted one experimental track for the Freyverse tier and a couple of posts for the free tier.

Hope to see you there!


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