I'm working on new music

I'm working on new music

I thought I was done with music. Honestly. 

It’s been two years since the release of Warrior (where did the time go?!) and I'd been trying to start working on new songs for a while. I’d been plinky plonking on my keyboard not producing anything even remotely inspiring. 

I bought shiny new software thinking it would inspire me but it didn’t. I just felt that it was time to face the facts. I was done.

Someone said an artist never quits, they just take an undefined break. My break lasted a month.

Now I’ve been working on new tracks for a couple of months so it’s still super early days, but I’m feeling excited and productive and this is probably going to turn into my third album.

So what changed? 

I’ve been exploring AI for creating images for a while, but all tools for music were just awful. Most music AI tools have been either utter rubbish, vaporware or glorified loop compilers.

But not anymore. There are some very interesting new AI music tools such as Suno and Udio as well as a bunch of more specific AI-powered tools. My weapon of choice is Udio. I’ve been playing with it for a while now, and something cool has started to emerge. 

Worry not, I haven’t sold my soul to the AI devils. I still make music like a musician. I write my own vocals and lyrics. The final cuts will be human-produced. I’ll share my song-writing process in more detail later.

The bottom line is, my writer’s block is smashed and new tracks are happening.

I’ve also decided to take a more public approach to my music making process. In the past I have announced a new album only when all the songs are done, and I’ve started to work on the release. 

This time I’ve decided to embrace the journey. Getting these songs together will take months, so don’t expect new releases in the immediate. This is the first step for working this way - I’m announcing new music without really knowing yet what or when.

More updates coming soon!


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