It's The Final Countdown

It's The Final Countdown

I can't believe it's April already! It's been really lovely and sunny here in Bristol and new things are happening behind the scenes. But more about that later…

More Intro videos

I've now posted intro videos of all of the songs on the upcoming album. So if you want to know what the album is going to sound like, check them out on the IGG page or my YouTube channel

I also posted a video about my songwriting process, and I have a few more videos going up this week where I'll be talking about my singing, and my influences.

Indiegogo update

I don't know why I seem to be quoting 80's hair metal bands so much, but this week's update just called for a bit of Europe.

This is the last week of the Indiegogo campaign. We’ve passed the £2000 mark (woohoo!) but still need that last push to make it. It's an all-or-nothing campaign, so if we don't hit the £3000 goal, then there will be no CDs or Vinyl!

So, if you've been considering taking part, now is the time to do it. Hop onboard here:

Speak soon,


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