Velcra Collages

Velcra Collages

I moved house recently and as part of that wonderful experience I pulled out all of my old archives and folders from the loft. I have several boxes of Velcra mementos and artwork, and I was very happy to notice that I hadn't thrown everything away.

After much rummaging I found my artwork archives - collages that I created for our album covers for Between Force and Fate.

At the time I was an art school student in London. I was really into painting, silk screen printing and collages. I had a big folder of magazine clippings which I slowly arranged into pictures.

We were writing songs at my brother's house, and I would have my clippings folder with me. I would be listening, thinking and writing the songs with him, while also slowly arranging the clippings into collages, re-creating the songs in another art form.

To me art has always been a way to explore and work through ideas. It all comes from the same place. What the actual art form is then in the end, depends. It can be a song, lyrics, pictures, photos, a performance. Most of the time all of it. I've always worked using many forms and tools, and it's the thing I most like about being a "pop" artist.

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