Villainess hits the charts!

Villainess hits the charts!

Villainess has hit the charts!

My album Villainess was released just over a week ago and I have been thrilled to find out that it has been selling well.

It was the #3 best seller at Record Store X, and I just found out, that it is #7 best seller in the official physical record sales charts in Finland.

Thank you so much to everyone who bought it, my gratutude knows no bounds!

August in Review

August is wrapped up and what an exciting month it has been. Let’s take a look at what went on.

I finally opened my own webstore, with t-shirts, hoodies and of course, records! Take a look here.


I did a bunch of interviews, which have started to roll out now.

  • Iltalehti is one of Finland’s largest tabloid newspapers, you can check their article here. (sorry only in Finnish)
  • Musicalypse published “Playlist of My Life” where I share some of my favourite records and songs here.
  • Villainess got a 5-star review here. (sorry, only in Finnish)

All Monsters Are Human

August also marked the release of the fourth single and video called All Monsters Are Human. If you haven’t yet, you can check it out here.

Band Rehearsals!

Something that I also enjoyed doing in August, was to get back together with my band Velcra. We’ve been rehearsing for our upcoming October gig and it has been a lot of fun. It was hard to know how quickly we were able to pick up from where we left 11years ago (!) and it’s been awesome to realise that we rock as hard as ever. 

I have really enjoyed working on Villainess on my own, but getting back together with a band feels so good, too. There is so much energy and playing together with the guys is just so much fun. I’m really looking forward to our gig! 

I also heard that half of all tickets have sold now, and we’re still almost two months away from the gig, so this is great news. It will be a blast! If you want to join us, you can get your tickets here.

And that was August, my friend!

Jessi. xx

Ps. if you’ve had the chance to listen to the album, please let me know what you thought of it by leaving a review on my Facebook page. I'd love to know!

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