We Are The Media (+ Dark Heart Video + Spotify)

We Are The Media (+ Dark Heart Video + Spotify)

Well, that was an exciting weekend! Dark Heart was released on Friday and I've been spending my time on social media responding to comments. It feels good to be out there again and the responses I've had so far have made me so happy. Sometimes I've felt totally crazy doing this again, after so much time away from music, but hearing back from you has made me feel a little less crazy. :D

Now, let me try to put on my best TV-shop voice here... 

"But wait... there's more!"

My Profile on Spotify

Spotify finally caught up and my profile + the song are up there now. It would be awesome if you followed me or added me on a playlist because Spotify tracks all that type of activity and based on it starts to push the track on their playlists which would help it get heard by more people. Anyway here's the link:

Dark Heart Video is On YouTube

I've also made a video for Dark Heart which you can check out on YouTube and RIGHT HERE:

Ok, let's take a break from all the promoting.

I'm aware that what recently I've been sending a lot of "promotional" posts to you. The above is, of course, no exception. The thing is, I've made a very deliberate decision not to work with a record company or a promoter to release this album.

Why on earth would I do that?!

I have no interest in getting "as much exposure as possible". I prefer to build a direct relationship with people who genuinely like and are interested in my work. In this day and age, I prefer to work directly with YOU. I truly believe that we - you and me together - can be all that is needed. Instead of spending a lot of time and money on music industry partnerships, I prefer to focus on you directly, via these emails, via all the social media channels. I really enjoy knowing who you are and I love hearing back from you directly.

When we released Velcra's Hadal, we did it ourselves. And although we lost a lot of the leverage that a major label gave us, I felt like I was much more involved and more connected with the people who bought it. And back then social media didn't even properly exist!

Now all these online tools provide me a direct and effective link to you. We - YOU and me - are the media! Simply by listening to my music and sharing it in your networks is going to have a bigger impact than anything else out there.

I just wanted you to know that and to bear with me if sometimes it feels like all I'm doing is asking you to view, follow and share my stuff. :)

With my deepest gratitude from the bottom of my dark heart,


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