#saintagnesremix June 22, 2020#saintagnesremix. I made a remix of Saint Agnes' Daughter of Lucifer. I love the original song and felt inspired to make this remix for them. You can download the song for...
It's my birthday! (open for pressies!) June 2, 2020I'm not quite in a place where I'd be comfortable telling you exactly how young I will be turning this week, but I still intend to party! To celebrate my...
Deliveries are delayed due to COVID May 18, 2020Hey all, I just wanted to give you a quick heads up that deliveries seem to be taking a lot longer than usual, so please bear with me. I ship CDs...
Notes From Lockdown April 1, 2020What strange times we are living. Feels like the entire world has stopped, although of course, it hasn't. I've been in lockdown for about three weeks now, and so far...
[Vlog] - 2 things that I WILL do and 2 things I will NOT do in 2020 February 13, 20202019 was probably my most productive year ever. I think the main reason I managed to get so much done was that I was very clear about what I wanted to...
Dark Heart was released a year ago! February 9, 2020On Friday 8 February 2019 I released my first solo single. It was Dark Heart, and SO MUCH has happened since, that I can't quite believe it's only been a...